Community and Neighbour
Environment and Planning
Family Law
In Court
Wills and Estates
Mediate Today Pty Ltd (ABN 91 114 478 769)
Mediate Today Pty Ltd (ABN 91 114 478 769) (Mediate Today) is one of the oldest privately owned dispute resolution organisations in Australia and is wholly owned by its director principals, Robert Anthony Lopich and Lorraine Joan Lopich.
Robert and Lorraine are both senior mediators and conflict resolution practitioners each holding national accreditation in accordance with the requirements of the National Mediator Accreditation System (NMAS). They each have in excess of 20 years experience in providing ADR services to State and Local Government clients, large and small corporate organisations and the public.
Robert and Lorraine are also both senior practising lawyers each holding unrestricted practising certificates and are the principals of Collaborative Lawyers Pty Ltd (ABN 67 002 875 550) an incorporated legal practice operating as “Lopich Lawyers”.
As mediators they have both worked extensively in the areas of business and commercial dispute resolution, property disputes (including commercial and retail leases), planning, development and local government issues, workplace and employment disputes and family and relationship issues. Lorraine is a registered FDRP.
Robert and Lorraine are also qualified Collaborative Lawyers and coaches.
They have also worked extensively with Local Government as Code of Conduct Reviewers
Mediate Today is also a Recognised Mediator Accreditation Body (RMAB) specialising in providing small group, inhouse corporate and government mediator and skills training programs.
Call:- 1300 760 225 or Email:- [email protected]